Free your digital life
More than 70% of active Internet users have considered quitting their social networks. What do they have to lose?
People who think they are crazy enough to change the world... usually are the ones who do.
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More than 70% of active Internet users have considered quitting their social networks. What do they have to lose?
Powerful chatbots can replace real-life communication — and take over the world.
Evgeny Chereshnev, professional cyborg, talks about fascinating new jobs that will emerge in the near future.
Suddenly in an instant I became an outsider in the system. While I was being ‘fixed’, I had an opportunity to think about it and now I can share my thoughts with you.
Our bionic man Evgeny Chereshnev shares his thoughts on CES 2016, talks security issues in the not-so-groundbreaking tech products introduced at the show.
I was repeatedly asked the question: “Once you decide to become a cyborg, how would your current routine change?” Today I’m going to give you 10 answers for this questions
Last year one idea attracted a great deal of attention: PC games may be used to develop intellectual — or, more precisely, cognitive — abilities. The idea is probably as
CES 2015 was a superb event in terms of new stuff per square foot, which has been referred to numerous times by tech website reporters. As for me, a person
Today both iPhones and Androids suck their batteries dry faster than an average human could learn how to spell this word: #Password #hints from around the world – this is
Despite recent scandals, RSA is still considered the biggest event in the security industry. It attracts the best brains, the best managers and the best influencers (although Security Analysts Summit is