How to turn off notifications in iOS and iPadOS
How to stop your iPhone or iPad from distracting you with endless notifications.
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How to stop your iPhone or iPad from distracting you with endless notifications.
Headaches, dry eyes, a complaining lower back? Your work space might be to blame.
How to reduce information overload without missing anything important on your Android devices.
Ransomware, once represented by screen blockers that were almost cute, has come of age.
A year has passed since lockdown began. We view the pandemic and its consequences through the prism of IT threats.
Facebook lets you manage the data it collects from third-party websites and apps. Here’s how.
The terms are sometimes confused; we help unravel the differences.
Seemingly overnight, the pandemic changed the way we work, and infosec departments are still adjusting. What’s on the horizon for employees in the coming year?
Anyone can experience in-game bullying. What to do if aggressive gamers target you.
The online battle royale shooter attracts not only virtuoso gamers, but also crooks of every stripe. How can you avoid becoming a victim?
Seven safety and security rules to keep in mind when buying games and in-game items.
Use these Origin settings to protect your EA account from hijacking, data theft, and spam.
A complete guide to security and privacy settings for your Battle.net account.
Tips for thrifty gamers, such as how to protect yourself from malware when choosing a free-to-play game and filter out the garbage that is not worth your time and attention.
Five things to keep in mind when choosing a free PC game to play.
We present four rules of safe trading for gamers who earn money from in-game trades.
Learn how to protect your Twitch account, block spammers and haters, and make chat easy and secure.
The coronavirus outbreak has forced many office employees to remain at home. Here’s what you need to keep in mind so that both you and the company stay protected.
A brief but comprehensive guide to security and privacy on the world’s most popular gaming platform.
We tell you which security and privacy settings will hold Twitter hackers and spammers at bay.