Choose the future of the planet: Leave a prediction on Earth 2050 and win a prize

What do you think the Earth will look like in the year 2050? Tell us your predictions and win a fantastic prize!

Have you ever tried to imagine the future — what it will really look like? Do you think it will be similar to what we saw in famous movies such as Back to the Future? Or will it look more like Blade Runner?

Thinking about the future is our job. Here at Kaspersky Lab, we are in the business of predicting threats and figuring out how best to tackle them. That kind of thinking led us to create a special project called Earth 2050, a website that collects predictions from professional futurists and curious citizens. We set up the site to look like an interactive globe. Visitors can choose a city and see prediction for it. Some predictions are illustrated these objects you can find by clicking on yellow hexagons. White hexagons contain text predictions only.

Earth 2050 is a crowdsourcing platform — a virtual exchange for visions of the future of technology, society, culture, ecology, and the entire planet Earth. Currently website contains more than 250 predictions. Do you want to join the project and become a futurologist? Participating is very simple: All you have to do is register and submit your prediction using the form here:

The first 25 new authors whose predictions to appear on the website will get a prize, their choice of T-shirt from our series of unique designs inspired by Earth 2050.

Competition details:

Register at the website — you must be registered to submit predictions — and add your prediction. Add the tag “call for predictions” in the Description field before your actual prediction to be sure you’re entered for the giveaway. Every prediction goes through moderation, but as long as yours is original and in line with the project, it will be published.

The first 25 people to enter will be contacted by e-mail with instructions for claiming their prize. One prize per contestant. Please note this offer is valid for UK residents only. Coupons will be valid until 31 August 2018. No Kaspersky Lab employees or affiliates may enter, judges decision is final. Stay tuned, and welcome to the future!
