Check your Spotify password

It looks like Spotify accounts have been published on the Dark Web. It’s a good time to check up on your passwords.

Do you stream music on Spotify at home or work? Chances are that you are one of the millions of users to the popular online service. So you should read on.


There are reports swirling around the web about hundreds Premium Spotify account credentials being shared on the Dark Web. While the company denies that they were hacked, Spotify accounts are known to be a commodity sold on the Dark Web, similar to Netflix accounts to drive a quick buck for the hacker.

The company also notes that they contact any users that they have discovered in a data dump of their accounts being compromised even if there were no financial ties.

While that is great, no one likes getting informed of their account being compromised.

Even if you weren’t contacted by the company and feel that you’re in the clear. We advise that you play it safe and consider changing your password. No need for some crook to make a buck off of you. Also if you re-use the same password on multiple sites, you should consider changing them as well.

The reason for this is that with user credentials, hackers will try them on other sites to see what other access they can get. And sure in this case it may be “just music,” but think about what could happen should this data be tied to say — your bank account.

For a strong password, we advise following these tips from one of our GReAT researchers, David Emm. Also if you have trouble remembering a tough password, we advise that you use a password manager.
