How to improve smart car apps
After conducting a thorough study of applications for connected cars, our experts highlighted a number of flaws of such software.
7 articles
After conducting a thorough study of applications for connected cars, our experts highlighted a number of flaws of such software.
Modern computerized car require a secure-by-design platform. And that’s just what we’ve come up with.
Our experts tried to hack six smart gadgets for cars to find out how manufacturers protect customers.
In an earlier post from Black Hat, I discussed how car washes could be hacked. Today, we can remove the “wash” part and simply focus on the car. More specifically,
Car hacking is a hot topic these days. Good news, everybody: Kaspersky now protects connected cars.
The emergence of robocars could mean the end of personal vehicles as we know them. Here’s how things may go down.
Our bionic man Evgeny Chereshnev shares his thoughts on CES 2016, talks security issues in the not-so-groundbreaking tech products introduced at the show.