What is blockchain technology and how it works
Confused and wondering how Bitcoin and blockchain work? In this post we break it all down for you.
76 articles
Confused and wondering how Bitcoin and blockchain work? In this post we break it all down for you.
According to a number of reports, Intel and IBM are scouring the job market for Bitcoin experts. We at the Kaspersky Daily weren’t quite sure why the two tech giants
A new variant of the Onion ransomware has emerged, though you might see it referred to as CTB-locker or Citroni. Whatever you decide to call it, CTB-Locker is a Cryptolocker-like
Virus Bulletin is a traditionally enterprise-focused event, but each year topics of consumer interest, like Apple malware, hackable devices and Bitcoin are presented.
A new version of file-encrypting malware hides its sever inside an anonymous TOR network, making it safer for criminals to extort money from victims.
First ever SMS Android Trojan in U.S., update on OpenSSL Heartbleed, Apple fixes SSL vulnerability in iOS and OSX, AOL Hacked, and Iowa State Bitcoin Mining.
We begin our synopsis of this week by looking forward to next week when Microsoft will – at long last – discontinue its support of the once ubiquitous, forever vulnerable,
No doubt it has been a crazy week for anyone even remotely interested in Bitcoin. Mt. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange marketplace out there, has shut down, putting a
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that owes much of its popularity to its rather volatile — and occasionally very high — price. Its potential for investors has made it a tempting
If you haven’t paid for an online transaction in bitcoins yet, chances are you probably will before long. The digital currency that was invented in 2008 has been widely adopted
Ransomware in general is not exactly the nastiest malware out there, but a new variant – called CryptoLocker – is particularly worrisome because it actually does what most ransomware merely
Bitcoin is a digital crypto-currency. It’s distributed. It’s peer-to-peer, meaning that is controlled by the people that use it. There is no central authority controlling it. There are no international
Kaspersky Lab experts have discovered a new trojan virus attacking skype users. Find out how to recognize it before you fall victim.