MarsJoke: the cryptor and the cure
Polyglot, aka MarsJoke, had aspirations. It was trying to be the next CTB-Locker — but we developed a cure.
4 articles
Polyglot, aka MarsJoke, had aspirations. It was trying to be the next CTB-Locker — but we developed a cure.
CTB-Locker comes back and strikes 70 web server from 10 countries across the globe. Who is at risk and what should they do?
The TeslaCrypt ransomware family is notable for targeting games-related files, as well as the usual documents, pictures and so on. In the new version it became even more dangerous.
Ransomware is a kind of malware that steals users’ files and exacts a ransom from its victims. The most effective approach is to encrypt the files and offer decryption keys