How to trade in online games safely
We present four rules of safe trading for gamers who earn money from in-game trades.
84 articles
We present four rules of safe trading for gamers who earn money from in-game trades.
How attackers hunt for Battle.net accounts in World of Warcraft, aiming to get valuable content.
On this episode of the podcast, Dave and Jeff discuss large companies being hit with ransomware, the speedrunning world record, and more.
You can refuse some permissions to greedy games, and they most definitely do not need these five.
It’s a new speedrunning world record — made with Kaspersky Internet Security working in the background.
A particular type of malware seeks user credentials, including accounts for gaming services such as Origin, Battle.net, and Uplay.
We explain how to keep your computer running fast without sacrificing protection.
The dangers of pirated games, activation codes on gray-market sites, and ready-made accounts in official stores.
Ten smart mobile games and educational apps for your child to enjoy and benefit from.
Learn how to protect your Twitch account, block spammers and haters, and make chat easy and secure.
Be it Fortnite, League of Legends, or good old Archero, risks abound for online gaming. Learn about the threats so you can avoid them.
These seven tips will help you get maximum gaming performance from your PC while retaining a high level of protection.
A brief but comprehensive guide to security and privacy on the world’s most popular gaming platform.
Why Steam users often fall victims to scams and frauds and how to avoid it.
What exactly do those age restrictions mean? Can a 10-year-old play a 12+ rated title?
Dave and Jeff discuss the recent news around hackable toys, politics in Tinder, and phishing campaigns in The Elder Scrolls Online.
With more than 2.5 billion gamers around the world, it’s no wonder cheats, hacks, and game modifications have spawned a multimillion dollar industry.
Cheats for multiplayer games are tantamount to malware, and their use in competitions to cybercrime.
Syrk ransomware is out, disguised as a Fortnite cheat pack. Learn what it is and how to recover your files.