Inching closer to standardizing the industrial IoT
ENISA has published recommendations for information security for IoT devices deployed within critical infrastructure facilities
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ENISA has published recommendations for information security for IoT devices deployed within critical infrastructure facilities
In this week’s edition Kaspersky Lab’s Transatlantic Cable podcast, Dave and Jeff discuss the company’s security predictions for 2018.
A new study by Kaspersky Lab showed how insecure smart devices really are. We explain how to cope.
In today’s Kaspersky Lab’s Transatlantic Cable podcast, Dave and Jeff discuss Germany destroying smartwatches, Detroit community Wi-Fi and hacked cars.
In this week’s edition of Kaspersky Lab’s Transatlantic Cable podcast, we discuss IoT security in toys for children and adults.
The future doesn’t have to be a dystopian Internet of Things. We just have to prepare.
This week’s Transatlantic Cable podcast dishes on pizza, unsafe kids smartwatches, and more.
Several months ago, our experts found a bunch of vulnerabilities in Android apps that allow users to control their cars remotely. What has changed since then?
Samsung releases more and more devices with Tizen OS. At SAS 2017, we found out that this OS is highly insecure.
An unwitting army of connected devices caused an insane disruption of major Internet sites. IoT users need to wise up.
Today, it seems everything can be hacked. Even your vibrator. This is the tale of developers of very intimate goods who do not value the privacy of their clients.
Manufacturers need to change their mindset when it comes to the IoT
Shodan and Censys are the search engines for the Internet of Things and this duo is capable of wreaking havoc in a lot of different ways
Researchers expose how a criminal can hack air conditioners to crash the power grid.
Researcher shows that using data from motion sensors built into a smartwatch one can recognize numbers you press on a numerical pad. How can that affect your security?
The IoT is inherently lacking in security. Make sure a hacker can’t talk to your kids via baby monitor.
Our bionic man Evgeny Chereshnev shares his thoughts on CES 2016, talks security issues in the not-so-groundbreaking tech products introduced at the show.
Konstantin Goncharov recaps the most significant security events of 2015.
The new trend on IFA 2015 is all about integrity and security. Meet Kaspersky Lab’s observations from the trade show.