It’s high time you changed your passwords
Do you have some long abandoned accounts? Do you use the same password everywhere? If so, change all of them now!
81 articles
Do you have some long abandoned accounts? Do you use the same password everywhere? If so, change all of them now!
Your smartphone knows everything about you: whom you call and what messages you send, which websites you visit and what photos you take, including even when and where you do it. This data may be used against you.
Internet-trolls are back in the game: 2ch anonymous hacked hundreds devices and streamed video from victims’ homes for the kick of it.
Unless you are from Russia, you probably haven’t heard of a service, that analyzes an image of a person and finds their account in VK.com social network. It’s called FindFace.
How everyone and his dog online make the big data tyranny raise.
They say Facebook severely violates users’ privacy. Is it true and why European authorities claim that?
Why do you need Kaspersky Protection browser extension?
It’s not the best idea to use Safari on your phone with no ad blocker at all. You can remedy this omission with the help of our new iOS app Kaspersky AdCleaner!
In this post we explain, what’s new in the latest update of the Private Browsing tool and how to use it.
Kaspersky Lab and WISeKey will collaborate to develop security software for wearable devic-es and the Internet of Things.
Let’s find out how to enhance privacy and security of your VK account
Popular online messengers cannot be considered secure enough, yet people continue to use them to exchange private and critical information.
What does Google know about you and me? Let’s check it with the new “About me” tool.
Sometimes even cybercriminals go fishing. They hunt for a special goldfish — our personal data. So, what can you do to protect yourself from phishing?
The Internet is full of thoughts and perceptions, both true and false. Let’s investigate whether the Internet legend about hotel key cards storing guests’ personal information is fact or fiction.
Cybercriminals hunt for data of all kinds: personal details, photos, videos and even ways that users interact with others; this data is often stolen from social networks. Stolen data is
Yesterday The European Court of Justice ruled that the Safe Harbor agreement is invalid: what does this decision mean for your personal data?
Why would cyber-criminals want to control your Facebook account? At the very least, they could “like” weird things and promote questionable goods and services on your behalf. However, Facebook is
Kaspersky Lab experts detected a shifty scheme that allows fraudsters steal personal data without your login and password.
At Google I/O 2015 software giant have presented a whole bunch of new features and services. Let’s take a first look at customizable app permissions, Android Pay, Now on Tap and others.
Editorial note: Sergey Dolya, the author of this post is one of the most popular Russian bloggers. This story has happened recently with one of his friends. As it turned