The superpower of protection: Kaspersky Lab 2016 product line is here
Kaspersky Lab upgrades its flagship security solutions to 2016 versions
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Kaspersky Lab upgrades its flagship security solutions to 2016 versions
Which brain mechanisms are in charge of our memory? Kaspersky Lab analyzed why we forget information stored on our devices.
Vitaly Kamluk has more than 10 years of experience in IT security and now holds the title of Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab. He specializes in reverse engineering malware,
Why would cyber-criminals want to control your Facebook account? At the very least, they could “like” weird things and promote questionable goods and services on your behalf. However, Facebook is
Online password managers can make your life much easier by automatically entering individual passwords for each website and service you have an account for. It’s a convenient tool. That is,
Kaspersky Lab researchers examined one city’s network of surveillance cameras and determined that the systems was not very secure.
Recently, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook made a speech on privacy and security during EPIC’s Champions of Freedom event. We want to share with you 10 best quotes from this speech.
Kaspersky Lab experts detected a shifty scheme that allows fraudsters steal personal data without your login and password.
At Google I/O 2015 software giant have presented a whole bunch of new features and services. Let’s take a first look at customizable app permissions, Android Pay, Now on Tap and others.
Our own implementation of a cloud security model is called Kaspersky Security Network. And here we’ll explain how it actually works
Five lessons from the story of the Enigma cryptographic machine which are still relevant.
During WW2 modern cryptography principles were often coupled with ‘amateur’ ciphering methods. Curiously, the latter ones often proved to be equally reliable.
Big data helps to catch child abusers, drug dealers, and terrorists, and allegedly it has also helped to locate Bin Laden
A New York artist made an exhibition out of making a single private and anonymous cell phone call outside the scope of government spying. Here’s how he did it.
Editorial note: Sergey Dolya, the author of this post is one of the most popular Russian bloggers. This story has happened recently with one of his friends. As it turned
MWC often gladdens our heart with lots of visitors and participants who care much about security and that is quite natural taking into account that the event is held by
During my first two weeks of the biochip experience I had time to mull over a lot of things. The deluge of questions from the community pushed this process further:
Do you know what your child is doing when s/he holding smartphone or tablet in his/her hands? Maybe everything is fine and s/he is just watching movies or playing game.
The latest privacy-related kerfuffle, involving Lenovo, who thought it was a great idea to pre-install some very nasty adware with gaping security holes, was like a blast from the past.
The latest in a long line of whistle-blower Edward Snowden’s National Security Agency revelations may be among the most shocking: that the NSA and its British counterpart, GCHQ, allegedly compromised
I woke up to find a Band-Aid on my hand. It was covering a small wound between the thumb and the index finger. That was when I had a WTF moment.