Why you should set up secure DNS – and how
Have you ever come across the words Secure DNS or Private DNS in your smartphone settings and security apps? It’s best to keep this feature enabled – it has many advantages.
216 articles
Have you ever come across the words Secure DNS or Private DNS in your smartphone settings and security apps? It’s best to keep this feature enabled – it has many advantages.
Received an attractive job offer from a stranger? Be careful! It could be a scam…
What to do if your secret messenger isn’t secret enough.
How to know if you’re facing a scam: we identify all the red flags in a recent scam that deployed a fake cryptocurrency exchange
Many hacks have started during Christmas holidays. A few simple tips will reduce the chances of your company becoming the next victim.
Why you shouldn’t trust a random period-tracking app, and what to look out for when choosing one.
Avast solutions have a pretty good reputation, but a handful of incidents call their safety into question. Read on to learn whether Avast can be trusted.
Here are some simple tips to protect your funds from fraudsters, phishers and carders when shopping online.
Scammers are sending e-mails under the guise of government agencies to coax personal data and money out of users.
How things are privacy-wise on the social network Poparazzi.
We review a major cryptocurrency theft using spyware inside a PDF.
How scammers swindle users out of cryptocurrency through a fake Nvidia giveaway supposedly worth 50,000 BTC.
How scammers lure YouTube users to a fake website where a purported bug lets them exchange Bitcoin at an excellent rate.
How cybercriminals extract bank card details pretending to be DHL.
Malware can infect your router, slow down the internet connection and steal data. We explain how to protect your Wi-Fi.
We explain a new sneaky technique for stealing passwords, and how to avoid being tricked by a phishing site.
Living in the digital age has many perks, but every time we go online we leave a trail – is now the time we ask for the right to be forgotten?
Free yourself from social media and start living again.