Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 170

Jeff and Dave discuss the Maze ransomware gang closing shop, COVID-19 predictors, a nuclear Japanese cyberattack, upcoming Kaspersky GReAT’s AMA, and more.

podcast, Maze, ransomware, coronavirus, GReAT, AMA

We kick off the 170th edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast with the alleged end of the Maze ransomware gang.

The cybercriminal enterprise recently issued a broken-English press release claiming it was exiting the game. It would be easy to take them at their word, but they are criminals, after all, and Dave and I are not buying it.

From there, we move to Japan, whose national nuclear agency warns of a cyberattack. Not many details are available at this time in Western or Eastern publications, but this is one to keep an eye on.


We then jump into the world of COVID-19 for a pair of stories involving coronavirus and cybersecurity. The first discusses a change in AI that may use cough analysis to help detect those infected with coronavirus. In the second tale, the UK’s increase in cyberattacks can be tied to COVID-19.

After that, we look at the recent WordPress update snafus that blog operators should be on the lookout for. To close out the podcast, we discuss the upcoming AMA with Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis team on November 12.

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