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Digital stalking and abuse rife in the UK despite months of lockdown

24 November 2021

Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, fresh research data into stalkerware and tech abuse suggests that the UK has the second-highest level of cyber stalking in Europe

·         More than one-in-ten (11%) UK respondents think it’s acceptable to monitor their partner without their knowledge

·         Over three quarters (76%) of Brits feel justified in monitoring their partner’s online activity if they believe they are being unfaithful – more than anywhere else in the world

·         15% of UK respondents have been digitally stalked, 44% via a smartphone app

·         27% of UK adults experienced violence and abuse, positioning UK as the country with the second-highest number of domestic abuse cases in Europe

A global study among more than 21,000 people on stalkerware and tech abuse from leading cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has highlighted that Brits think it is justifiable to digitally stalk their partner without their consent more than anywhere else in the world.

Ahead of the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, tomorrow (25th November), Kaspersky’s research highlights that the UK ranks second-highest for domestic abuse in Europe: nearly three-in-10 surveyed UK adults (27%) have experienced violence or abuse committed by their partner, compared to the Czech Republic (29%), and higher than the European average of 21%.

Amid this increase in safety concerns, stalkerware is software commercially available to everyone. This software provides access to a breadth of personal data, such as live location, text messages, social media conversations, browser history, photos and more.

With 8% of UK adults admitting their partner had become more controlling during the pandemic, Kaspersky data also found that people in Britain are more likely to feel justified in stalking their partner (11%) without their knowledge. Similarly, the same percentage of UK adults say they have been forced to install stalkerware apps on their smartphone by a partner – the joint-highest score in Europe, along with the Czech Republic.

Nearly a fifth (24%) of surveyed UK adults worry about their partner violating their privacy, with more than half (54%) worrying a privacy violation will be carried out through the monitoring of their text messages – meanwhile, more than half (51%) know the password on their partner’s phone, showing that a discrepancy between concern and behaviour.

On a global scale, the results show that the UK has the highest number of people who feel justified in digitally stalking their partner online if they felt they were being unfaithful: 76%, compared to the average of 64%.

Gina Martin, campaigner, writer and speaker who is an advocate for creating change within communities for equal rights and fought to make ‘up-skirting’ illegal as part of the Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019, comments: “This research paints an alarming picture that the UK has a very serious problem with both online stalking and domestic abuse, which are intrinsically linked. Digital stalking is a distressing act that can lead to physical acts of violence and abuse. It’s vital that more people are aware of its dangers and given the tools, advice and support they need to combat it.”

As part of its ongoing investigation into stalkerware, Kaspersky also found that that 15% of UK respondents have been digitally stalked and in 44% of those cases, apps on the victim’s smartphone were used. Other means of stalking victims include tracking devices (28%) webcams (23%), laptop apps (22%) and smart home devices (15%). It’s clear that more education is needed around stalkerware, and how many different forms it can take, given that just 20% of UK adults said they know what stalkerware is – the lowest percentage of people globally.

David Emm, principal security researcher at Kaspersky, echoes the need for more education around the dangers. “The growth in stalkerware poses a huge concern – and we fear that these latest, worrying figures are just the tip of the iceberg. Stalkerware typically runs in the background without the affected individual(s) noticing. To avoid the risk of someone installing stalkerware on your phone, it’s always important to use a complex lock screen password and avoid leaving the device unlocked. Stalkerware is the digital aspect of a much bigger issue and if you think it has been installed, reach out to Refuge for support and the Coalition Against Stalkerware for some guidance on the steps you should take next.”

A large number of UK respondents (79%) said they would confront their partner if they suspected stalkerware had been installed on their device. However, charity Refuge warns against this direct course of action.

Emma Pickering, tech abuse team manager at Refuge, comments: “These findings demonstrate the need to train, support and educate people when it comes to stalkerware – especially around the best course of action to take. We wouldn’t encourage anyone worried about their partner monitoring them to discuss it with them directly – doing so could comprise their safety and escalate the risk they are facing. No-one should live in fear of violence, stalking and abuse – and we’re shocked to see such a high number of people feeling justified in monitoring their partner’s activity. Stalking by any means is never justifiable.”

For those who suspect they may be affected or are being monitored by stalkerware, Kaspersky recommends the following steps:

·         Check the list of applications on your device to find out if unknown programs have been installed without your consent.

·         Don’t rush to remove any stalkerware found on your device, as the abuser may notice. It is very important to consider whether the perpetrator may be a potential risk to your safety before determining appropriate action to take.

·         When taking action, contact local authorities and service organisations that support victims of domestic violence to gain assistance and help with safety planning.

·         Watch the Coalition Against Stalkerware’s video (available in multiple languages) on how to protect against stalkerware. There is also a dedicated page for victims and survivors on detection, removal and prevention of this software.

·         Use a reliable security solution, such as Kaspersky Internet Security, which notifies you about the presence of commercial spyware programs, aimed at invading your privacy, on your phone. To find out more about Kaspersky and its partner, Coalition Against Stalkerware, please visit the official website

Research methodology

The survey was conducted globally among 21,055 people aged 16+ who are currently in a relationship or have been in a relationship in the past, across 21 countries covering Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. 1,002 were based in the UK. The interviews were conducted online by Sapio Research in September 2021, using an email invitation and an online survey.

Digital stalking and abuse rife in the UK despite months of lockdown

Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, fresh research data into stalkerware and tech abuse suggests that the UK has the second-highest level of cyber stalking in Europe
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Kaspersky is a global cybersecurity and digital privacy company founded in 1997. With over a billion devices protected to date from emerging cyberthreats and targeted attacks, Kaspersky’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection, specialized security products and services, as well as Cyber Immune solutions to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. We help over 200,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Learn more at

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