According to the results of research conducted by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab in November 2012, 30 per cent of companies worldwide do not use modern automated client management tools
According to the results of research conducted by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab in November 2012, 30 per cent of companies worldwide do not use modern automated client management tools. In other words, a large number of companies still use inventory software and hardware, manage software licenses, and update operating systems and applications without the help of dedicated solutions that can greatly simplify and accelerate these operations.
The need to automate specific areas of IT infrastructure operations, like the need to protect against cyber-threats, does not appear to be that obvious for many companies. This may be why 30 per cent of companies globally do not use modern client management tools and 14 per cent of these do not plan to do so in the future. However, when implemented, these tools can make a significant contribution to a company’s security, as well as reducing IT-related workloads and expenses.
For example, being able to remotely install an operating system within a local network saves IT specialists from having to physically go to each of the company’s workstations. Yet this facility is utilised by only 42 per cent of those companies that have already implemented client management tools.
Of the companies that do use client management tools, only half have automated their software installation process, while 51 per cent have automated their tracking systems for corporate hardware, applications and software licenses. Additionally, the automated installation of updates, used by only 35 per cent, considerably reinforces workstation protection against ‘exploits’ – malicious programs that use vulnerabilities in the OS and other software to infect the system.
Kaspersky Lab Systems Management
A high-quality client management solution should help the company’s IT department track and eliminate software vulnerabilities, conduct an inventory of corporate hardware and software, install applications and operating systems remotely and assign access rights to local network resources. Kaspersky Systems Management, included in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business providing flexible, offers all these functions, providing reliable protection for a company’s IT infrastructure. Key benefits of Kaspersky Systems Management include broad automation capabilities for all featured processes and centralised management tools giving control over tasks performed on every corporate workstation.